Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Its June 22, 2011 and its been a very busy month. We've gone from working crazy hours, fitting in exercise, participating in a 5k, having a death in the family, family coming into town to visit and attend a health expo to a fantastic trip to LA for Beachbody's Summit. I haven't gotten back to my normal routine but the question is - do I really want to do the 'normal routine' anymore?

I think that for some time now I've been restless and sensing the need to change. Change my thoughts, my ideas, my wishes, my dreams - time to start the BIG picture dreaming and changing into the person I was brought her on earth to be.

At the beginning of the year, I wrote out my goals and some things I really wanted to do. When I signed up to be a Beachbody coach on April 23, 2010, I wasn't sure where it was going to go. Then I attended the Summer of Success tour on September 26, 2010 and met face to face the man behind it all - Carl Daikler, CEO of Team Beachbody. He let all the coaches in attendance take a photo with him. He was very personable and it touched me. What company can you go and have your picture taken with the CEO? A little over a month later I was at another event - the Game Plan training and invited a few friends to come along to check out the opportunity. At this event, they went over the Game Plan which is at the core of being a coach. One of the steps is to be here (in the company) a year from now. That is the goal for all of the coaches - some make it, some don't - it's all in how committed they are to the process.

I made my commitment to be here a year from now - and I have been but I'm not at the place I know I am meant to be at - I'm not a multiple star diamond coach. And that is going to be one of my goals. My goal on this year's list was to attend Summit. When the chance dropped in my lap, I took it. It may have caused some personal issues but it is a risk worth taking - what is life without risk? I believe that by attending Summit this year, my business is on the edge of the cliff - ready to explode.

Carl challenged us to help End the Trend of obesity in America. The numbers are staggering - obese people spend an extra $7500 a year on medical costs versus a normal person. Where are they coming up with the money? If every coach (and there's 56,000+ of us in the US right now) were to bring in 2 coaches a month and helped them bring in 2 coaches a month - we could end the trend of obesity and help others lead healthy lives in less than 18 months. If this is something you think you might be interested in, let me know because I'm here to help you become healthy and fit!

On my way home from LA as I waited for my plane, I wandered aimlessly through the airport trying to find something health to eat. I stopped by a bookstore and was about to walk out when a book caught my eye. It's called The 1% Solution For Work and Life: How to Make Your Next 30 Days the Best Ever. I stopped, looked at it, pondered, walked away and yet it drew me back. It's only a 150 pages and looks like a quick read. Although it was in a bookstore and the airport and was probably more money than I should've spent, after reading 2/3's of it on the plane ride home and finishing it tonight while sitting in the basement during a thunderstorm with tornado sirens going off all around me, I discovered some great information that I want to apply in my next 30 days...June still has 8 days left but I'm starting to change my exercise habits by 1%. My goal is to work out every day for at least 30 minutes a day.

On July 13 I will be starting my P90X journey. It is part of 90 Day challenge with some other coaches in the area at a fit club. We'll be doing it through October 12. I'm scared because I've heard how crazy it is but I also know that it is a challenge that I will face head on and as Tony Horton says, Bring It!

Since I've rambled on long enough, this is my farewell for the evening...let me know what you think.

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